
Breaking the Wheel: Roulette Myths and Superstitions

Ever wondered about the myths and superstitions swirling around the game of roulette? In this exploration, we’ll debunk seven popular roulette myths and unearth the realities behind ten fascinating superstitions. But first, let’s understand what myths and superstitions are, and how they can color our perceptions of reality.

Roulette Myths

Roulette Myths

Before we dive in, it’s essential to note that myths surrounding roulette often stem from a misunderstanding of probability and the nature of independent events. Let’s debunk these one by one.

1. The Roulette Wheel Has a Memory

A common misconception is the belief in “sleeping numbers” – the idea that if a number hasn’t come up in a while, it’s due for an appearance. Similarly, the Red/Black and Odd/Even Myth suggests that if one outcome has appeared multiple times in a row, the other is due. Unfortunately, both are untrue as each spin of the wheel is an independent event, not influenced by previous results.

2. Predicting Outcomes

Closely related to the myth of the wheel’s memory is the belief that players can predict the outcome of roulette wheel spins by analysing past results. This is misguided since the result of each spin is random and not influenced by previous spins.

3. Betting Systems Can Beat the House Edge

Numerous betting systems like the Martingale or Fibonacci promise wins by manipulating bet sizes. However, no system can overcome the house edge in the long run. Remember, roulette is a game of luck, not a strategic challenge.

4. All Roulette Games Are the Same

In reality, roulette games vary with house edges more favorable for players in some variants. For instance, French Roulette has a lower house edge than American Roulette, making it statistically a better option for players.

5. The Dealer Can Influence the Outcome

While dealers may have their signature style of spinning the wheel, they cannot control where the ball lands. Each spin is random and beyond anyone’s control.

6. The House Always Wins

While it’s true that the house has a mathematical edge in the long run, luck plays a significant role in the short term. Hence, players can certainly enjoy successful evenings at the roulette table.

7. Online Roulette Is Rigged

Online casinos use Random Number Generators (RNGs) to determine outcomes. These RNGs are regularly tested by independent labs for fairness. Also, the results of all games are retrospectively analyzed for signs of fraud. Therefore, reputable online casinos offer a fair game of roulette. For a comprehensive understanding of roulette fairness and RTP values, don’t forget to visit our page on the best online casinos for roulette. This resource offers detailed insights on selecting casinos with fair and favorable RTPs to maximize your roulette experience.

Roulette Superstitions

As promised, we’re about to delve into the world of roulette superstitions. Superstitions, unlike myths, are not necessarily based on misconceptions but on beliefs and traditions that add a layer of intrigue to the game.

1. Unlucky at cards, lucky in love

This old adage posits that if you’re having a tough time at the gaming tables, you may be due for some good fortune in your love life. Players sometimes use this belief as a consolation during a losing streak!

2. $50 bills

A peculiar superstition, particularly prevalent in America, is that $50 bills are unlucky. This belief has its roots in the Mafia era, when gangsters purportedly buried their victims with a $50 bill. To avoid this alleged curse, some gamblers refuse to accept payouts in this denomination.

3. Don’t count your money at the table

This superstition holds that counting your money at the table is not just poor etiquette, but also bad luck. It’s seen as a premature celebration and a way to tempt fate.

4. Never cross your legs

Crossing your legs while playing roulette is thought to ‘cross out’ your good luck. It’s believed that open postures invite fortune, so keep those legs uncrossed!

5. Lucky charms

Many players have lucky charms, from four-leaf clovers to rabbit’s feet. The belief is that these objects bring good fortune and help turn the odds in the player’s favor.

6. Avoiding the front entrance

This superstition comes from the world of Chinese gambling, where it’s believed that you’ll encounter bad luck if you enter the casino through the main entrance. This belief originated from the notion that bad luck would flow directly through the main entrance.

7. Smoking vulture brains

Here’s an unusual one: in South Africa, some gamblers carry a vulture brain as a good luck charm, with some even going to the extent of smoking it! However, this practice has contributed to the decline of vultures in the region and is not encouraged.

8. Books are bad luck!

In Russia, there’s a superstition that books, particularly on the gaming table, bring bad luck. So, if you’re planning to brush up on roulette strategies, perhaps do your reading before hitting the casino!

9. Itchy Hands

The belief here is that if your hands itch, you’re about to come into money. Itchy palms have long been associated with gaining wealth, so roulette players see this as a good sign.

10. Whistling

Last but not least, some players believe that whistling while gambling can bring good luck. It’s thought to keep away the bad spirits that bring bad luck.


Remember, while superstitions can add color to the game, roulette is ultimately a game of chance. It’s important to enjoy the game responsibly, regardless of how many four-leaf clovers you might have in your pocket!

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